Our Tutors



Emily is an outgoing and knowledgeable tutor who specializes in all levels of math from Pre-Algebra through AP Calculus. She graduated from the University of St. Thomas in 2022 with a degree in Mathematics. She also minored in Statistics. She has a year of previous experience working as a peer tutor and has tutored with College Tutors since 2020. She also has experience teaching Sunday School to elementary aged children. Students will love her ability to explain concepts in a simple manner, and parents will appreciate her experience working with many different grade levels and learning styles.


Elizabeth is an organized and thoughtful tutor specializing in AP sciences and math. Elizabeth has experience with middle school and high school students from a formal tutoring position with the International Community School. Elizabeth is a student at UW double majoring in Biochemistry and Anthropology. She also has experience as a student mentor and camp counselor!


Sam is an easygoing and committed tutor specializing in several levels of math, AP Spanish, and ACT/SAT prep. He has experience as a study advisor through a college program where he helped younger students with homework and classes. Sam majored in Accounting and Finance at Gustavus Adolphus College. He has also worked as a tutor with College Tutors since 2019. Students will love Sam’s ability to communicate ideas and parents will appreciate his dependability.

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